Profit with Presence
Mindful Leadership Blog

Crafting Your Personal Vision

Oct 09, 2023

Vision, as defined, is the ability to think about or plan the future with imagination and wisdom. While we are often exposed to corporate vision statements guiding organizations, we should also embrace the power of personal vision. Your personal vision serves as a compass for your life journey, helping you align your individual goals and aspirations with the broader context of your workplace or business. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of creating a personal vision, how it can complement a company's vision, and the steps to craft a comprehensive personal vision and plan.

  1. Creating Clarity

The journey towards creating your personal vision begins with self-reflection. Take time to understand your core values, passions, strengths, and long-term aspirations. What do you truly want to achieve in life? Not cultures vision for you but your own unique vision. Identifying a clear vision  will provide you with the clarity needed to formulate a personal vision that resonates with your authentic self.

  1. Setting a Vision for the World

A personal vision doesn't exist in a vacuum; it should reflect your desire to make a positive impact on the world. Consider how your actions, skills, and values can contribute to a better world, both personally and professionally. Your vision should encompass not only personal success but also how you can contribute to the well-being of society, the environment, or causes that matter to you.

  1. Creating a "Life List"

Think of your personal vision as a roadmap for your life. Create a list of specific goals and milestones you want to achieve. These can range from career accomplishments and personal growth to experiences you wish to have. This "life list" serves as a tangible reminder of what you are working towards and helps you stay focused on your vision.

  1. Vision Board: Visualizing Your Dreams

A vision board is a powerful tool for manifesting your desires and keeping your personal vision front and center. Collect images, quotes, and symbols that represent your goals and aspirations. Arrange them on a board or digitally to create a visual representation of your dreams. By regularly visualizing your vision board, you reinforce your commitment to your personal vision.

  1. Crafting a Comprehensive Personal Vision and Plan

With the previous steps in mind, it's time to craft your comprehensive personal vision and plan. This document should articulate your values, your long-term goals, the steps required to achieve them, and a timeline for their realization. Your personal vision should not be static; it should evolve as you grow and experience life. Continuously revisit and revise it to ensure it remains relevant and inspiring.

  1. Alignment with Your Business

For entrepreneurs or business leaders, aligning your personal vision with your business vision is crucial. Your personal values and aspirations can greatly influence your company's direction and culture. When possible, ensure that your business and professional vision supports and aligns with the broader goals of your personal vision, creating synergy and purpose in which your professional life furthers personal growth. 


In a world filled with distractions and constant change, having a personal vision is like having a guiding light that illuminates your path. It enables you to make intentional choices, stay focused on your goals, and contribute meaningfully to the world around you. As you embark on the journey of crafting your personal vision, remember that it is a dynamic process. Embrace the evolution of your vision, and let it inspire you to reach new heights of imagination and wisdom, both personally and professionally. Your personal vision is your unique journey, waiting to be manifested.


I wrote a book, Profit with Presence: The 12 Pillars of Mindful Leadership, which goes into further detail about this topic and more.

Although the world is currently abuzz with the term “mindfulness,” some believe mindfulness is a fringe activity to be practiced before or after the workday, if at all. Too few business professionals take the time needed to be present and aware throughout the workday, which is counterproductive. Mindfulness is not only a path to personal success, but a sound business strategy.  

My hope is to positively impact the world through infusing more mindfulness into business -- and it starts with each of us individually. Together, we can create a future where mindfulness is deeply embedded in our work culture, leading to greater well-being, productivity, and meaningful success for all.

- Dr Eric Holsapple


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Learn more about my book, Profit with Presence: The 12 Pillars of Mindful Leadership here

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Learn more about my nonprofit, Living in the Gap, here


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