• Do you want to reduce stress, and improve your health and immune system?

• Would you like to increase your awareness and gain peace of mind?

• Have you ever considered learning meditation and/or yoga?

• Do you already have a practice and want more consistency or depth?



• Weekly Zoom Calls: Kickoff meeting plus Six 30-minute group zoom calls with mindfulness expert, Dr. Eric Holsapple and Self Soul Spirit Facilitator, Amanda Pombar

• Emailed daily: 10-minute mindfulness practice videos guided by Dr. Eric Holsapple

• Emailed weekly: podcast recording from Eric’s Podcast miniseries: Profit with Presence and a Jon Kabbat Zinn mediation.

• Expect to spend 30 minutes per day on mindful practices and reading

• Required purchase: “Mindfulness for Beginners” by Jon Kabat-Zinn. Available on Amazon for $10. 



Dr. Eric Holsapple


Dr. Eric J. Holsapple, best selling author and business leader, has realized the value of mindfulness as not only a path to personal success, but as a sound business strategy.

Mindfulness can increase company productivity, reduce healthcare costs, and give businesses a competitive edge. It also creates an opportunity for far-reaching influence and impact. When shared within an organization, mindfulness produces a ripple effect that can not only transform company culture but also expand the happiness and well-being of its employees, their families and communities, and essentially the world.

In addition to providing leadership at Living in the Gap, Eric has been a successful developer, entrepreneur, CEO, university lecturer, yoga and meditation practitioner and teacher, and philanthropist. He holds an MBA and a Ph.D. in economics.

Read Eric’s full bio

Amanda Pombar


Amanda has worked as a peer mentor for those living with mental health challenges, co-owned and operated a boutique gym, and worked as a life skills coordinator for moms and children from domestic violent homes. She is a certified Self Soul Spirit Facilitator by the Center of Creative Choice and a Nature-Connected guide through the Earth Based Institute located in Boulder, Colorado. 

Amanda enjoys being outside and has found it to be a way of working with people through transitions: divorce, becoming a new parent, dating, adulting, death and grief, and others. She facilitates awareness in her clients so they can live a Soul-directed life. 

Always choosing experiences to grow and learn led her to Living in the Gap and being certified as a mindful leader. She is a facilitator for the program and supports participants as they practice mindfulness, create a vision for their life, and take steps towards Soul-directed living.



Tuesday Morning
Zoom Meetings

7:00am-7:30am MST

June 18th KICKOFF
June 25th 
July 2dn
July 9th
July 16th
July 23rd
July 30th


Sign Up Here By May 31st!

Reclaim the present moment (and your life) this summer! 

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